
SGH Warsaw School of Economics

SGH Warsaw School of Economics is an innovative economic university, developing creative intellectual potential and educating leaders in response to the challenges of the future. It is a significant center of scientific research, new ideas and initiatives created by the academic community, graduates, as well as representatives of business, social organizations and public administration.

Babeș-Bolyai University

Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) has the oldest academic tradition in Romania and currently represents the largest academic community in the country. Since its foundation in 1581, UBB has been part of the gallery of prestigious and referential universities, during the past 5 years being ranked first in the country.

Public Policy and Management Institute

PPMI is a leading European research and policy analysis centre. PPMI helps public sector and civil society leaders from around the world by presenting evidence in a way that is simple, clear and ready to use. PPMI is a trusted partner, providing actionable insights, facilitating shared understanding among stakeholders, and supporting positive and lasting change.

University of Latvia

The University of Latvia consistently retains the position of the national, leading and most influential higher education institution in Latvia. In terms of the total number of students, the University of Latvia is also the largest university in the country. It is the largest comprehensive university in Latvia with a prominent standing both in the development of the entire education system and in the overall growth of the country's economy.

University of Tartu

The University of Tartu is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Estonia. The Institute of Education provides research-based pre-service training for teachers, special education teachers, speech therapists, and social pedagogues. There is also an extensive in-service training programme for teachers, heads of schools, and university teaching staff.