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Addeo, Felice; Delli Paoli, Angela; Esposito, Maria; Ylenia Bolcato, Maria. (2020). “Doing Social Research on Online Communities: The Benefits of Netnography”. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 9-38.

Andriane, S., Pinem, A. A., & Handayani, P. W. (2019). „Information Sharing and Mechanism in Online Community: A Netnography Study”. Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 15(1), 37-46.

Bowler, G. M. (2010). Netnography: A Method Specifically Designed to Study Cultures and Communities Online. The Qualitative Report, 15(5), 1270-1275.

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Fujita, M., Harrigan, P., and Soufar, G. (2017). ‘A netnography of a university’s social media brand community: exploring collaborative co-creation tactics’, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 27(2): 148–64.

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Given, L. M. (2008). The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412963909

Gurrieri, L., & Cherrier, H. (2013). Queering beauty: Fatshionistas in the fatosphere. Qualitative Market Research, 16, 276–295. doi:10. 1108/13522751311326107

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Kulavuz-Onal, Derya. (2015). “Using Netnography to Explore the Culture of Online Language Teaching Communities”. CALICO Journal, Sheffield, United Kingdom, v. 32, n. 3, p. 426-448.

Kozinets, R. (1998). On netnography: Initial reflections on consumer research investigations of cyberculture. Advances in Consumer Research, 25, 366–371.

Kozinets, R. (2002). The field behind the screen: Using netnography for marketing research in online communities. Journal of Market- ing Research, 39, 61–72. doi:10.1509/jmkr.

Kozinets, R. (2010). Netnography: Doing ethnographic research online. London, England: Sage.

Kozinets, R. (2011). What is netnography? [Video]. SAGE Research Methods.

Kozinets, R. (2015). Netnography: Redefined. London, England: Sage.

Kozinets, R.; Gambetti, R. (eds.) (2020). Netnography Unlimited: Understanding Technoculture using Qualitative Social Media Research. Routledge, ISBN 9780367425654.

Langer, R., & Beckman, S. (2005). Sensitive research topics: Netnography revisited. Qualitative Market Research, 8, 189–203. doi:10. 1108/13522750510592454

Mkono, Muchazondida. (2012). “Netnographic Tourist Research: The Internet as a Virtual Fieldwork Site”. Tourism Analysis 17(4): 553-555.

Nocker, & Kozinets, R. V. (2018). Netnography. In Unconventional Methodology in Organization and Management Research. Oxford University Press.

Rokka, Joonas. (2010). “Netnographic inquiry and new translocal sites of the social”. Consumer Studies 34(4), 381-387.

Tuikka Anne-Marie, Nguyen Chau, K. Kimppa Kai. (2017). “Ethical questions related to using netnography as research method”. The ORBIT Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 1-11.

Online Tools and Educational Resources

Netnography - An Instructional Guide”.

Netnography - The Movie”.

Robert Kozinets on Netnography”.

Netnography: Robert Kozinets”.

Netnography: Social Media for Cultural Understanding”.

Netnography in the age of Covid-19 - with Prof Robert Kozinets”.

Using Netnography To Evaluate The Launch And Collapse Of The European Super League”.

Kozinets, R. “Netnography: The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media Research”.

NetBase Quid blog: “Netnography: What It Is and How to Use It”.

Qualitative data analysis (academic and non-academic sources)

InSights “Qualitative Data Analysis

GradCoach: “Qualitative Data Analysis Methods 101

The Pell Institute: “Analyze qualitative data

Business Research Methodology: “Qualitative data analysis”

Bazeley, Patricia (2013). Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies. London: Sage.

Grbich, Carol (2013). Qualitative Data Analysis: An Introduction. London: Sage.