Navigating Social Worlds is not only the toolbox. Find out more about our outputs.
Navigating Social Worlds: Toolbox for Social Inquiry project addresses the needs of high school pupils and social studies students who are taking their first steps in social research. It is also about equipping lecturers, teachers and educators with useful knowledge, skills and tools on how to develop a social research project with their class.
When we were developing the concept of the project, we assumed that thanks to the ability to conduct social research, students would be able to consciously and critically learn about the social world around them. The most important output of our work is the toolbox for social inquiry available below, to support both students and teachers in learning and teaching methods of exploring social world(s).
Modules: the adventure with social research begins here!
Social research is a complex process of solving "puzzles" about individuals and society. Knowing the various stages of this process and complying with its requirements is crucial for the effectiveness and success of a research project. To support pupils and students in their first steps in the research process, we have developed 18 teaching modules grouped into four thematic categories: Introduction to Social Research, Designing the Research Process, Collecting and Interpreting Research Data, and Presenting Research Results. Apart from the theoretical part, the modules are also equipped with practical exercises and tasks that can be carried out "in the classroom" or as part of independent work. The prepared materials contain tips for teachers and lecturers that can facilitate the conduct of classes, especially with the use of digital tools.