Additional materials for the teacher (Teacher Guide)

Example lesson plan

Introduction to the lesson

This assignment deals with a wide range of social problems. Our examples may be of interest to both high school students and students in such fields as history, security, economics, and pedagogy. It is important to encourage the creativity of students when carrying out the exercises. We suggest agreeing with a group on the principle that “every question is important” at the beginning of each class. We are aware that, especially for high school students, constructing research questions may seem a difficult task at first glance. Therefore, it is even more important to activate students, and ask them to share their own examples and ideas.

Introductory discussion

Before you start working with this module, ask students to revise the information they have learned about the research process. Try to guide them to discuss issues pertinent to your class. You can use the following questions:

  • Do any of you have any idea what will be the next step after identifying a research gap?
  • Have any of you ever heard the terms “research problem” or “research question”? How can we intuitively define these concepts? How does a research question differ from the questions we ask in everyday communication?
  • How important is the research questions in the research process in your opinion? Where do you think ideas for research questions come from?

After a short discussion, familiarize students with the rules of working with the didactic module. For remote classroom teaching, ask students to prepare a pen and paper, as the module includes exercises that require their answers to be written down.

Core activity: Work with the module

In the case of in-person classes, you can use two methods of working with the module:

  1. Independently present the topic of the module, equipping students with the resources for exercises only (printed or displayed on a screen).
  2. Work through all the content of the module together with the students.

The choice of the method depends on your preferences.


In the project team of Navigating Social Worlds: Toolbox for Social Inquiry, we are convinced that effective teaching of social research methods is based primarily on practice. Therefore, below we have prepared additional exercises for teachers to use while working through our module.

Note: Additional exercises are not included in the basic time allocated for work with the module!

Exercise 1

Form of work: small groups

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Divide the students into groups of five. Ask each group to select one scientific journal and find the description of research in it. If your group consists of students just starting their studies within a field of study, give them a list of the most important scientific journals in the discipline (you may try to include those that are not published in your country or in your mother tongue).

The task for each group is to find the following elements: (a) research gap identified by the authors of the research, (b) research subject, (c) research purpose, (d) research problem, (e) research question(s).

Ask one person from each group to present the results of their team-work.

Exercise 2

Form of work: individual

Duration: 20-30 minutes (homework)

Use the attached template for constructing research questions. You can distribute the template to students either in printed or electronic format.

You can use the template as a homework assignment. At the beginning of the class, inform the group about planned homework and distribute the templates. Make sure that students understand the task.

The goal of the task is to develop a research question step-by-step for a topic chosen by students. Collect the filled out templates during the next class and provide feedback.

Exercise 3

Form of work: whole-group work

Duration: 15 minutes

Use attached template: a mind map. If you conduct classes remotely, use one of the digital tools proposed in the module.

Distribute the printed templates to students or ask them to create an account on a platform of choice. Below we have prepared a short list of problems to choose from. Start by creating a mind map together with students.

The goal of the task is to create one research question that will meet the requirements of a strong research question.

Tip: use the first “cloud” of the mind map to write keywords related to a chosen social problem.

List of problems to choose from:

· environmental pollution • waste segregation • preferences regarding the choice of a specific mobile phone brand • health literacy • fake news in social media • family allowances programs • Parents' Councils • additional activities for kids and family financial possibilities • Internet brand management in the age of pandemics •

Exercise 4

Form of work: individual

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Use the template attached about reformulating hypotheses into research questions. Distribute the template to students in either printed or electronic format.

The goal of the task is to reformulate the hypotheses into research questions. Ask students to complete the task on their own. Then ask few persons to present their suggestions in front of the group.