Additional Readings

10 Types of Scientific Misconduct - Enago Academy.

Alderson P. & V. Morrow (Eds.). The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People. Los Angeles: SAGE, pp. 22-23.

Alderson, P. & Morrow, V. (2004). Ethics, social research and consulting with children and young people (Essex: Barnardos).

Alderson, P., & Morrow, V. (2011). The ethics of research with children and young people: A practical handbook. SAGE publications Ltd.

Allen, G. (2005). Research ethics in a culture of risk. In A. Farrell (ed.), Ethical research with children, (pp. 15-26). Trowbridge, GB: Open University Press.

Allen, G., Israel, M., (2018). Moving beyond regulatory compliance: building institutional support for ethical reflection in research. In: R. Iphofen e M. Tolich (Eds). The Sage Handbook of qualitative research ethics. (276-288). Sage.

Bhandari, P. (2021). Ethical Considerations in Research, Published on October 18, 2021.

Cronin-Furman, K., & Lake, M. (2018). Ethics abroad: Fieldwork in fragile and violent contexts. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(3).

Dooly, M., Moore, E., & Vallejo, C. (2017). Research ethics. In: E. Moore & M. Dooly (Eds), Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education (pp. 351-362).

Global Ethics Code.

Farrell, A. (2005). Ethical research with children. Berkshire, Open University Press.

Hammersley, M. (2014). Research ethics and the concept of children’s rights. Children & Society, 29(6).

Howe, K. & Moses, M. (1999). Ethics in educational research. Review of Research in Education, vol. 24, pp. 21-60.

Iphofen, R., & Tolich, M. (2018). The Sage Handbook of qualitative research ethics. Sage Publications Ltd.

Israel, M. (2015). Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Sciences. 2nd ed. London: Sage.

Markowska-Manista U. (2018). The ethical dilemmas of research with children from the countries of the Global South. Whose participation? Polish Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. I (LXXI), 51-65, DOI: 10.2478/poljes-2018-0005

Markowska-Manista U., (2020). ‘Clarity about the purpose of research.’ In: P. Alderson & V. Morrow (Eds.). The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People. Los Angeles: Sage, pp. 22-23.

Markowska-Manista, U., & Górak-Sosnowska, K. (2022). Tackling sensitive and controversial topics in social research - sensitivity of the field. Society Register, 6(2), 7-16.

Ouanes, Z. (2022). Submission process of a research protocol to an ethic committee. (IJRE) International Journal of Research and Ethics (ISSN 2665-7481), 5(1).

Research with potentially vulnerable people. UKRI.

Sieber, J. E. (1993). Ethical considerations in planning and conducting research on human subjects. Academic Medicine, 68(9), s9-s13.