Exercises, worksheets, guidance for teachers


Two exercises below are designed for students who do not study psychology (nor have relevant knowledge) but would like to try conducting a simple experiment.

Exercise 1: Design your project online

Duration: 40 min for presentation


  • To familiarise students with classic experiments in social psychology,
  • To facilitate designing a simple experiment online.

Instructions for students:

Please choose one of the experiments from the list (see Worksheet 1) and familiarise yourself with it. Think about how you can design the selected experiment to achieve a similar goal to the one in the original research. Use Worksheet 2 for this task. Present your experiment design in class.

Instructions for the teacher:

Divide students into groups of 2-4.

Every team should choose one of the experiments from Worksheet 1 and think about conducting an experiment online. Students should write down their ideas on Worksheet 2. If you teach in a secondary school, select the experiments that are easier to replicate (the three persuasive techniques – foot in the door, door in the face and low ball).

Next, students should prepare a short presentation and a research report according to the template in Worksheet 4.

Discuss with the students the experiment designs, including the ethical and methodological approach they used.

Exercise 2: Conduct your own experiment

Duration: 30 min for presentation + time for work with your group


  • To familiarise students with classic experiments,
  • To facilitate designing a simple experiment online.

Instructions for students:

Please choose one of the experiments from the list (see Worksheet 1) and familiarise yourself with it. Think about how you can design the selected experiment to achieve a similar goal to the one in the original research. You can design your experiment in an online or offline environment. Conduct your experiment according to your design. For the design, use Worksheet 3. Then prepare a report using Worksheet 4.

Present your project in class.

Instructions for the teacher:

Divide students into groups of 2-4.

Every team should choose one of the experiments from Worksheet 1, think how to conduct this experiment and write their ideas on Worksheet 3. Before beginning the experiment, students should consult their teacher for ethical and methodological approval. If you teach in a secondary school, select experiments that are easier to replicate (the three persuasive techniques – foot in the door, door in the face and low ball).

Then students should prepare a short presentation and a research report according to the template in Worksheet 4.